We Offer Trucking Services for Mining Services in North-Eastern Ontario
Apitipi Anicinapek Trucking is an Indigenous-owned business that provides trucking services to mining and construction operations throughout the region of North-Eastern Ontario. We understand that you need reliable transportation services that can move materials to the remote regions you operate in.
To request a quote, please contact AAT today.

Our trucking services include:
Transport Services
At Apitipi Anicinapek Trucking, we offer a wide range of transport services to help you with mining and construction operations. Our services include long haul of various materials, including construction materials and equipment.
Road Building and Maintenance
Apitipi Anicinapek Trucking can assist commercial and municipal clients with a range of road projects. This can include the construction of new roads as well as the repair and maintenance of existing roads.
Thanks to our open aggregate pit, we also supply high-quality natural materials, including sand, gravel, stone, and topsoil. These are used in several different applications from retail customers to industrial projects.
Civic Work
Thanks to our experienced team of workers and cutting-edge equipment, we can assist with small-scale civic work. This can include site grading, excavation services, professional lot clearance, and site preparation, all at budget-friendly rates.